
🇫🇷 Underground dinner parties in France

🇺🇸 There’s  a new scandal in Paris! As France is confined for the third time this  month since the beginning of the pandemic and restaurants have been closed since last October, clandestine restaurants and parties are being regularly reported on the news. This month new rumors started that  luxurious dinners are being illegally held, and that even several  ministers have been in attendance. An investigation on these dinners is  currently underway… to be continued!

You can see a short clip about it here (in French):

And a video of a clandestine rave party in Paris here (in French):

By  the way, if you want to learn more about the history of rave parties in France, checkout this excellent podcast about it! They talk about the “raves sauvages” ( “wild raves” = parties without authorization).

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