
🇫🇷 French faux amis

🇺🇸 Today, let’s explore some French words that are “faux amis.” It means that they are “false friends,” because they are similar to English words, while having a different meaning which often lead mistakes for many students. Let’s go over some of the most common French faux amis:

Déception ≠ deception. It means “disappointment.” “Deception” is “tromperie,” “duperie” in French.

Sensible ≠ sensible. It means “sensitive.” “Sensible” is “sensé,” “qui a du bon sens” in French.

Éditeur ≠ editor. It means “publisher.” “Editor” is “rédacteur” in French.

Librairie ≠ library. It means “book store.” “Library” is “bibliothèque” in French.

Actuel ≠ actual. It means “current.” “Actual” is “véritable” in French.

Pretty confusing, right!?

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