🇺🇸 Wondering what’s going with the Olympics in Tokyo? At barely one week away from the games, Japanese people are… pretty worried and angry.
Summed up with perfect sarcastic wit, “Le Monde”, France’s most renowned newspaper, states:
“Prime minister Suga’s lack of political courage and discernment has succeeded in provoking an almost unanimous dissatisfaction amongst Japanese people, regardless of their individual opinions about hosting the Olympics.”
🇯🇵「菅総理 は、五輪賛否関係なく国民全員に不平不満を引き起こす快挙を成し遂げた」「無分別」「無気力」「自ら行き止まりに突っ込む」
などの厳しい言葉で、 内閣のオリンピック やコロナ対策のグダグダについて仏代表的紙「ル・モンド」が酷評💧