
🇫🇷 French music: From Tennis to Rap🎾

As far as interesting careers go, French professional tennis player Corentin Moutet definitely stands out. He has recently released a rap music album scattered with  references to his struggles, as well as to French classic literature, another of his passions. 

He began writing lyrics a few years ago during the pandemic as there was a hiatus on tennis tournaments, and decided to focus on his first EP called “écorché” (= flayed). This French adjective is commonly used in the expression “écorché vif” (= flayed alive), and evokes painful experiences. He explained that as a young athlete, he often suffered  from being isolated from his family and friends, while in training camps  or tournaments. Here’s an excerpt of an interview he gave a few years  ago on France Info:

“La  musique en général, je la prends comme une thérapie.  Durant le  confinement, je me suis replongé dans mon passé, dans ce que  j’avais pu  vivre depuis mon enfance, pour l’écrire.”

(= I take generally music as a therapy. During confinement, I dived back  in the past, in what I had experienced since my childhood, to write about it.)

If you are interested in his music, check out his song “psychanalyse” (= psychoanalysis) in the video above or his Spotify here.

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