« Ou le monde est fou, ou nous le sommes. Lequel est supportable ? »
Albert Camus à René Char
Correspondance 1946-1959📚
🇺🇸 Nobel prize writer Albert Camus wrote this to his friend and poet René Char: “ Either the world is mad, either it is us. Which is more bearable?”
🇯🇵 友人で詩人のルネ・シャールに、「世の中が狂っているか、私たちが狂っているか。どっちがマシなのだろうか」と、問いかけるカミュ📚
Yuujin de shijin no Rune Shaaru ni “Yononaka ga kurutteiru ka watashitachi ga kurutteiru ka. Docchi ga mashi nanodarouka.” to toikakeru Kamyu.