
🇫🇷 French expression🧅

« S’occuper de ses oignons »🧅

🇺🇸 It means “to mind one’s business.” Literally, it means “to take care of one’s onions.” It originally comes from the familiar expression “occupe-toi de tes fesses” (= lit. “take care of your buttocks” = mind your business), in which “fesses (buttock)” has been replaced by “onions (onion).”

« – Alors, il paraît que tu vas divorcer?

– Mais c’est pas ton problème! Occupe-toi de tes oignons!»


🇯🇵 直訳は「自分の玉ねぎの世話をする」で、「余計なお世話だ」と言いたい時に使う表現です🧅 元々の慣用句”occupe-toi de tes fesses” (自分のお尻の面倒をみろ) の「お尻」を「玉ねぎ」に喩えたバリエーションです🧅🧅

Chokuyaku wa “jibun no tamanegi no sewa wo suru” de, “yokei na osewa da” to iitai tokini tsukau hyougen desu. Motomoto no kannyouku “occupe-toi de tes fesses” (jibun no oshiri no mendou wo miro) no “oshiri” wo “tamanegi” ni tatoeta barieeshon desu.

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