Today, let’s practice our French comprehension with a video from French Vogue’s YouTube’s channel, posted above.
In this video, a style expert comments and critiques the cool and unique looks encountered in the Parisian streets.
**Please note, I divided the quiz into 2 parts: today, my questions are about the looks 1, 2 and 4. My next post will be on the looks 7, 8, and the expert’s comments at the end.
Here are some informal words useful to understand the video:
La friperie: second hand store, or second hand clothes
La fripe: second hand clothes
Un imper: (informal abbreviation for “imperméable”) raincoat, trench-coat
Un/une pote: (informal) friend
Watch the video and try to answer to my questions below in French, if possible. The English translations of the questions and answers are provided below.
QUIZ (Part 1)
Look #1:
- En quelle matière est l’imper et où l’a-t-elle trouvé?
- De quelle année est son sac Gucci, et où et quand l’a-t-elle trouvé ?
Look #2:
- Qu’est-ce qu’elle porte aujourd’hui ?
Look #4:
- Quel style est-ce qu’elle aime porter d’habitude ?
English translations of questions:
- What material is the raincoat made of and where did she get it?
- What year was her Gucci bag made, where and when did she find it?
- What does she wear today?
- What style does she like to usually wear?
ANSWERS (Part 1)
Look #1:
- Il est en cuir, et il vient de sa boutique, car elle a une friperie.
- Elle a trouvé son sac cinq à 10 minutes juste avant l’interview dans une friperie et il est des années 70.
Look #2:
- Aujourd’hui elle ne porte que des pièces qu’elle a faites elle-même. Elle ne s’habille qu’en seconde main et les pièces qu’elle fait proviennent aussi de seconde main. Ça fait environ un an et demi à deux ans qu’elle fabrique ses vêtements.
Look #4:
- Elle n’a pas de style particulier, elle aime mixer différents styles, et elle aime aussi tout ce qui est confortable.
English translations of answers:
- It is in leather, and she got it from her second-hand clothes boutique.
- She found her bag about 5-10 minutes just before the interview in a second-hand store, and it is from the 70s.
- Today, she is wearing only pieces she has made herself. Usually, she only wears second-hand clothes. She has been making her own clothes from used clothing for about a year and a half to 2 years.
- She doesn’t have a particular style, likes to mix various styles, and she also likes everything that is comfortable.